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Infertility and IVF

IVF Infertility is such a HARD obstacle to go through in life! If you have been through it yourself, you know what I mean. My family and I battled infertility for EIGHT long years. Every single person in my life struggled. Thankfully, God aligned the perfect people in my life to uplift me and give me guidance through my journey.

Before starting my spill about my struggle with infertility, I would like to thank the following people who helped me one way or another.

Thank you, Jacqueline Leyva, for sharing all of your journey with me as well and for encouraging me to peruse my babies.

Vanessa Snyder, thanks a ton for always being open to sharing things you were going through and giving me the strength I needed during my hard trials.

Valerie, thank you for ALWAYS BEING there for me and showing me all the grace I needed.

Savannah, thank you for pushing me to see Dr. Balthazar! Truly from the bottom of my heart!

My journey began when my symptoms presented themselves at about the age of 21. I noticed I was having painful intercourse and ovulation. I was diagnosed with Endometriosis and it is my main cause of infertility. I still have endometriosis and now my symptoms are just painful during ovulation and the first 2 days of my period. After having Avery and Ayla my symptoms had seem to subside, which they say is a common thing. However, at the beginning of this year it began again. The pain got so bad that I couldn’t get out of bed. I knew immediately that I wanted to get checked. My doctor, Dr. Deshan, suggested I be put on progesterone for 3 months to see if that helped, if it didn’t we would try a different option. So far, it’s helped!

1 in 8 women battle with infertility so let’s all try and be kind to one another. Questions that I didn’t like to hear were, “when are you going to have kids?” Or “why are you waiting?” or any question like that just don’t randomly ask someone. We don’t know anyone’s battles. It is SO painful for a woman that is secretly battling infertility, to go on with their day when they are asked these questions.



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