Why should we make girls' trips? It's summer and the best time to gather your girls and vacay for a weekend.
I enjoy getting away a couple of times a year with my closest girlfriends to our favorite spots in texas. There are so many benefits of taking a trip with the girl gang.

One of the benefits is maintaining those special friendships. So setting a weekend aside to spend with the girls will give you time to catch up and be a friend, not a wife, not a mom, not a girlfriend, but just a FRIEND to those you rarely find time to catch up with or hang out.

Another bonus is it's always a No Judgement Zone. I always feel so comfortable being ME in front of my friends, those I've grown up with. We have a sisterhood that no one can break.

Enjoying a relaxing weekend is the best reason to get away. I can say I truly get to relax with no mommy and wifey duties I tend to do on a regular vacation with my family. I am not here wrangling my beautiful sweet children I adore and a husband I love who always asks where his socks or shirt are. The weekend with the girls will consist of staying in a robe with no makeup, drinking my coffee, and conversing. I rarely get to have these moments. But, I always remember to soak it in because it will be a while before I have the opportunity to do it again.
Planning a girls' trip is never easy, so be prepared. It is challenging to choose a date that works for everyone. Always allow one person to do the planning. Too many taking charge of planning can add to the stress. Don't forget to consider a reasonable budget that will work for those who plan on going.
Take the trip! Happy Planning!